THE RATS (2002)

Directed by John Lafia. Written by Frank Deasy. Stars Mädchen Amick and Vincent Spano. 16:9 enhanced. 1.85:1 widescreen.
This was a 2001 TV movie (Fox, I believe) that stars Mädchen Amick. The DVD is actually rated R due to some astoundingly gratuitous nudity and (literally) a couple of seconds of gore. Long story short: I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Good characterizations, so we care about the people on the screen. Good, atmospheric scenes of suspense (including an extended search of an abandoned basement in New York city), and most importantly truly decent CGI rat effects. There was a rat attack where I didn't realize until it was almost over that I was watching CGI. Cheesy? You bet, but fun.

Directed by Steven Shainberg. Written by Erin Cressida Wilson. Starring Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader. 16:9 enhanced. 1.85:1 widescreen.
This is an astonishing movie in many ways. Maggie Gyllenhaal is simply amazing in the lead role, and James Spader is equally as good in a much more difficult role. I enjoyed this movie more than anything else I've watched in a very long time. Very highly recommended (though only if you're in an open frame of mind--it's a bit odd, but it's odd in the RIGHT way.)

LANTANA (2001).

Directed by Ray Lawrence, written by Andrew Bovell. Starring Anthony LaPaglia, Barbara Hershey, Geoffrey Rush. 16:9 enhanced. 2.35:1 widescreen.
I had never heard of this before I put the DVD on. The movie opens with a very stylish camera move into a tangle of brambles until we see a body of a woman, who we assume to be dead. Wethen jump back in time and see what leads up to it, sort of. I say "sort of" because it is not clear until much later that we have jumped back in time, and also because the final resolution does not come until after that. We are introduced to several characters who over the course of the movie turn out to not quite be what we thought. More of a drama than a mystery, this is very well acted by all involved and quite moving. Good cinematography.
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