Friday, July 20, 2012

They Came Back

Directed by Robin Campillo.  Written by Robin Campillo and Brigitte Tijou.  Stars Géraldine Pailhas, Jonathan Zaccaï and Frédéric Pierrot.
2004, 102 minutes, Color, not rated.

Upon reading the back of the DVD  one might get the impression that this is a zombie movie, but it isn't.  It is actually a film about mourning that uses the dead coming back to life as a metaphor.  (The dead come back, but they are not the same.  Slowly, this makes the dead's relatives come fully to grips--some for the first time--that their loved ones really are never coming back.)  Well made and acted, and I liked it.  Lots of people on IMDB did not, however, due to its not having a clearly explained resolution. As I see it, the plot point of having the dead come back to life isn't important aspect of the story, however, so it didn't bother me.   The important aspect of the story is in how the relatives respond and react to the dead coming back to life. 

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