Friday, July 20, 2012

Ninth Configuration

Written and Directed by William Peter Blatty.  Stars Stacy Keach, Scott Wilson, Jason Miller.
1980, 118 minutes, Color, Rated R.
Also exists in 99 minute, 112 minute and 140 minute variants.

This is a worthwhile film, but pretty idiosyncratic--almost fatally so.  It takes a LONG time to make clear what is actually going on, but it's pretty effective if you stick with it.  Lots of ideas on the nature of good and evil, and in many ways it's a more effective expression of the same core ideas found in THE EXORCIST.   Interesting cast.

This was apparently released in a couple of versions.  The DVD I initially saw was Blatty's preferred cut, though it was in non-anamorphic widescreen. The quality was pretty rough overall.

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