Friday, July 20, 2012

The Stand

Directed by Mick Garris. Written by Stephen King. Stars Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, Jamey Sheridan, Ruby Dee, Miguel Ferrer, Matt Frewer, Ray Walston, Rob Lowe.
1994, 366 minutes, Color, not rated.

This is an old disk and really doesn't look all that good.  This was filmed in 16mm, I think, and is a far cry from the digital splendor of today's mini series. Not that 16mm can't look good--look at THE WALKING DEAD for an example of a 16mm production that looks good, although to be fair in that case the filmmakers were going for a certain look.  I'm pretty sure THE STAND was filmed in 16mm because it was cheaper than filming in 35mm. 

Still, what a great cast.  Gary Sinise and Ed Harris are truly great in this. It is much better than I recall, having a couple of truly great jumps and a fair amount of creepy stuff.  I like the early episodes more than the later ones as I find the end of the world depiction more compelling than the ultimate good versus evil plot that develops.  This makes sense since I feel the same way about the book.

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